
Moldova Citizenship by Investment

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Moldova Citizenship by Investment

Moldova Second Passport – If you are looking for the best value for your investment then Moldova is one of the options you should go for. The Republic of  The Republic of Moldova actively pursues EU membership and the EU has already opened an office in Chișinău, Moldova. Relations between Moldova and the European Union (EU) are currently shaped via the Moldova –European Union Association Agreement, the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP), and other agreements.

It is one of the highest value passports in Europe giving full citizenship with passport rights. Passport allows you to travel visa-free up to 121 countries including the Schengen zone.

  • Be of outstanding character.
  • Hold no criminal record.
  • Have excellent health.
  • Have a high personal net worth.

Moldova citizenship offers the second passport to the personals willing to make a tangible donation to a Public investment fund starting from 100,000 euros for a single applicant. Located on the brink of Europe, Moldova’s second passport gives business people ample opportunities to do business across Europe while stationing at Moldova. Currently, it’s an associative member of the EU soon going to be the active member of Europe. A passport value of 38 gives it a powerful boost to travel to numerous destinations across the globe (121 countries to be precise) including the Schengen zone.

Eligibility Requirement

To qualify for citizenship applicants must fulfill one of the investment options below in addition to meeting the following criteria for instant citizenship.

  • Must be 18 years of age or more
  • No criminal record
  • Must be in great health conditions

Benefits of Moldova Citizenship

  • Children up to 29 and parents over 55 years of age are included as dependents
  • One of the most economical citizenship program
  • No tax on worldwide income
  • Dual citizenship is permitted
  • No previous education or management experience is a requirement.
  • No travel or residency requirement
  • Moldova Citizenship gives an opportunity to start a free trade with turkey
  • Member state of World Trade Organization
  • Free trade agreement with China
  • Be of outstanding character.
  • Hold no criminal record.
  • Have excellent health.
  • Have a high personal net worth.
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